So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion..." ~Genesis 1:27,28

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.
Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. ~Psalms 127:3-5

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Birth Control: How Did We Get Here (DVD)

Challenging the status quo is this new documentary trailer on the history of birth control, reviewing how the global church has embraced the worldly practice of rejecting God's design and biblical mandate in receiving the blessing of children.

Birth Control: How Did We Get Here (DVD)

Purchase here

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Exposing the Imaturity of Feminism

Kindle version can be borrow for free with Amazon Prime

Here is one of the revealing confessions from  Secrets of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, a former feminist who regrets spending her best childbearing years in bondage to the lies of self-serving feminism:

I had to confront my age.  I was 39 years old when I married Kent.  I was too old to have children (without fertility treatments).  This was startling to me.  I had spent my childbearing years fighting windmills and now I was, yet again waking up to my life,  There is a biblical principle that lies behind my confusion: People whose lives are riddled with unrestrained sin act like rebellious children.  Sin, when unrestrained infantilizes a person.  Here I had thought that I was so mature, so capable, so "important" in the world, and the truth remains that I didn't even know how to act my age!  After conversion, I was surprised to discover how old I really was."

When a girl, by delaying children in pursuit of her own goals outside of marriage and family for too long,  is overdue becoming a women in its true meaning, she might find herself left with regret.  This culture's norm is to exchange God-given design and blessing of children for birth-control, abortion, or lesbianism, but rarely abstinence.  Recreation and fun is still demanded without the impending responsibility.  This is the heart of childishness.

For more definitive explanation of the type of feminism under the fire of this blog post click here.
"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural" (Romans 1:26)

When I say it's the norm, I really mean it.  Check out these recent sociological statistics that reveal the latest style of feminism pushing its limits. Huffington Post

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Small Family, Big God

With four children, I consider my family small.  But, since we would welcome more children, if God wills, we have, incidentally, adopted a large family mentality without realizing it. My large-family friends probably think me a little silly when I jump into conversations about large family logistics, but they are sweet about it...  :)

I think there are many families who look like small families, but in their hearts they are much larger because they are open to more possibilities by not standing in God's way.  It is possible to be a "quiver-full" family with only one or two children, or even NONE!!  As long we are not hindering the nature of God's design.  It is a matter of the heart.

On behalf of these families I wish to thank Raising Arrows for her post titled, Adopting a Large Family Mentality When You Are a Small Family, for expressing family dynamics of a small family large-style.  Now, leave my blog and read hers for a while.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Learning to Be Content

Wow!  It's official:  All of the Smith household members are fully potty trained.  It's a little sad too.

Our baby, our 2nd since the reversal, is now 2.5 years old.  With 3 older siblings to look up to, she is maturing so fast.  I really believed and hoped I would have another to nurse and diaper by now.

I remember being asked soon after our reversal, "Do you REALLY think God will control your womb?"  I firmly replied, "Yes!"   However, I'll admit I did expect that, without birth control, WE would naturally produce babies one after another until menopause-- SO HAUGHTY!!  Sure, we no longer block Him from creating life, but let us be clear and proclaim it is He who chooses to give, withhold and even, take away at His good will.  Indeed, God is in control of the womb!!

" the presence of the God... who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist."   Romans 4:17

"...he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." ~Acts 17:25

"And he said, 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.'” ~Job 1:21

We have always loved children, but didn't expect our desire for more would abound as we gave control to Him.  As strong as our desire may be, it is more important is to desire God's perfect will.  We are  determined that He will be free to create as many Smith children as He chooses.  Every disappointing month is a small prices to pay for the hope and possibility of another blessing, but in the end we must rest and be content in God's perfect plan, even if the number holds at 4.  After all, this is not a numbers game.  We are in the business of raising up godly generations for the Lord.

With the aid of the Lord, we will start by encouraging our next generations:

 To submit our entire body, mind and soul to God's will


 " whatever situation I am to be content."  ~Philippians 4:11

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rejoicing For Life

What a blessed child to be so joyfully received! If only every child were welcomed with such elation.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Baby Collages

As we were seated in the Doctor's office for the initial consult, collages of baby pictures decorated the walls. These little blessings were given a chance to live because their fathers had a change of heart and had their vasectomies reversed in the procedure room down the hall. A smile brightens Dr. Stanton's face as we admire the chubby cheeks of 100s of babies welcomed into repentant Christian homes by the grace of God. Dr. Stanton performs these reversals as a ministry. The only fee collected is for the facilities. He is the father of 8 boys himself.

During the years we were avoiding conception via vasectomy (I call these the winter years), I have often wondered if we allowed God to give us more children, who would they be, what would they look like and what would we name them. Many who practice birth control will admit they do this. There is always this little place in your mind where you dream of what might be.

I was missing blessings who would never exist because of my choices. Once upon a time I rejected the children of whom I dreamed--NO MORE!!

Seeing those collages confirmed what we were doing was right. We were correcting our wrong by re-setting our bodies to receive life God had designed us to produce.

Our two *post-vasectomy* blessings now pictured in Dr. Stanton's collage of welcomed children!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Remembering "V" Day

This post is inspired from Dr. Voddie Baucham's book "Family Driven Faith" which is not about birth control, but he did devote a few paragraph's to his personal vasectomy experience. He write
"When Trey was born, we hired a doctor to speak to God on our behalf. He took his scalpel and sutures and told God, 'The Bauchums hereby declare that they no longer trust, nor welcome you in this area of their lives.'"
For us, I remember the day clearly... a $20.00 copay was all it took to sterilize my 24 year old husband--less than what it would cost to spay or neuter a dog!!

The message in our hearts was something like this...

"Here we are, God. We know we are "fearfully and wonderfully made", but we don't like it anymore. We have hired this Dr. to cut, shorten, tie and cauterize because we want to be sure you don't pull any tricks. It is time to have fun without the responsibility--it is all about US now. We know you would take care of our family if you gave us more children, but we don't want to give up our name brand clothes and fast food meals. Yes, we are grateful for the two you have given us, but not enough to want more. No thanks!!"

It took a few years, but we eventually came back to our senses. Thankfully, it was not too late as it was for the Bauchum family. Vince was relatively young when we had his vasectomy reversed. We have since welcomed 2 more children into our family and desire more as the Lord blesses.

We found Dr. Stanton, a surgeon in Arkansas, the father of 8 boys, who performs reversal surgeries as a ministry on his Saturdays. Before the procedure he showed us several large displays in his offices filled with pictures of children who are alive because of his ministry.  So many live because of this good man.

We are no longer in the "V" club. Now were are in the R-Squared club--
Repented and Reversed!!